Safety Milestone Reached, FTTH Construction Update

At Tuesday’s meeting of the Board of Water, Electric and Communications Trustees, the Board was advised that MP&W employees recently achieved a safety milestone of working 365 days without an OSHA recordable injury or illness. “I think it’s a great accomplishment considering the many potential hazards encountered in the work our great employees perform,” exulted Sal LoBianco, General Manager. “We want our employees to return home to their families every day with no injuries or illnesses from their jobs. It’s a win-win-win for us, our employees, and our customers when our employees are not hampered from work injuries and available to keep serving our customers.” Muscatine Power and Water (MP&W) is committed to a Culture of Safety, where safety is everyone’s responsibility, with a belief that all accidents are preventable.

In other news, staff reported that approximately 1,700 fiber conversions have been completed. Fiber installations in the “mid loop” near the Downtown area are ongoing, with customers on the south side of 2nd Street now scheduling installation appointments. Additionally, some residents in the neighborhoods of Mulberry Manor and Briman Prairie began receiving installation mailers this week.
