
CCR Rule and ELG Compliance Data and Information

Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR) Data and Information

This page is intended to satisfy the requirement under the CCR Rule (section 257.107) to maintain a publicly accessible internet site containing the information specified in that section. The required information will be posted per the rules set forth in the CCR Rule.

Please direct any questions via email to ccr@mpw.org.

Fugitive Dust Complaint Form

File an official complaint regarding fugitive dust issues at MPW CCR landfill

What are Coal Combustion Residuals (CCR)?

Coal combustion residuals are the materials that remain after pulverized coal is burned to generate electricity. There are several different types of materials produced including:

Fly Ash – a very fine, powdery material which “flies” up into the stack with flue gases and is removed by electrostatic precipitators;

Bottom Ash and Boiler Slag – coarse particles that are too large to be carried up into the stack, so they settle to the bottom of the combustion chamber;

Flue Gas Desulfurization Material (FGD) – a material leftover from the process of reducing sulfur dioxide emissions from a coal-fired boiler.

These materials have a wide range of beneficial uses in the construction, manufacturing, environmental remediation and other industries. Those not initially recycled for beneficial use are placed in the IDNR permitted CCR landfill.

Location Restrictions

Operating Criteria

  • CCR Fugitive Dust Control Plan (Most Recent)
  • CCR Fugitive Dust Control Annual Report – 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019
  • Initial/Periodic Run-on and Run-off Control System Plans –  2021 
  • Qualified Professional Engineer (QPE) Annual Inspection Report for CCR Landfill – 2022 | 2021 | 2020 2019 2018
  • Documentation of Corrective Measures Resulting From QPE Annual Inspection of Landfill – (Not yet required)
  • Certified Unstable Area Determination

Groundwater Monitoring and Corrective Action

Closure and Post-Closure Care

  • Written Closure Plan & Post-Closure Plan – | 2016 |

ELG Rule Compliance Information

On May 9, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the final rule to revise the Steam Electric Power Generating Point Source Category Effluent Limitations Guidelines (2024 ELG Rule).

Muscatine Power and Water (MPW) is currently assessing compliance options and the best economically achievable technologies for each generating unit affected by the 2024 ELG Rule. This evaluation aims to meet discharge limitations and compliance deadlines. MPW will choose the optimal pathway for each unit or facility to ensure compliance while maintaining the delivery of clean, safe, reliable, and affordable electricity. Additionally, we remain committed to protecting downstream water quality and safeguarding the people and wildlife that depend on the state’s water bodies.

See additional details from MPW or visit the Environmental Protection Agency’s website for full governmental details.

MPW has one facility with three generating units subject to the ELG rule and applicable regulatory submittals are provided below.

Unit 7 – Notice of Planned Participation (NOPP)   2021
Annual Progress Report   2022 | 2023

Unit 8 – Notice of Planned Participation (NOPP)   2021
Annual Progress Report   2022 | 2023

Unit 9 – Notice of Planned Participation (NOPP) for FGD   2021
Annual Progress Report for FGD   2022 | 2023

ELG Information Requests

Request more information relating to MPW and the ELG Rule